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compensation trade project中文

用"compensation trade project"造句"compensation trade project" in a sentence"compensation trade project"怎麼讀


  • 補償貿易項目


  • Article 17 for the commodities subject to export license control for repayment of foreign loans or under compensation trade projects , a license issuing agency shall issue the export license according to the catalogue for goods subject to the control of export license and the catalogue for grades license issuance of goods subject to the control of export license on the basis of the export quotas granted by the ministry of commerce for repayment of foreign loans or that of the compensation trade
    第十七條償還國外貸款或者補償貿易項下屬于出口許可證管理的貨物,發證機構按商務部制定的《出口許可證管理貨物目錄》和《出口許可證管理分級發證目錄》 ,憑商務部下達的償還國外貸款或者補償貿易的出口配額簽發出口許可證。
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